Letter from the President - by: Jean Riley
March 24, 2020
You may be wondering what the Water & Sewer Association is doing during these unusual times. We are proceeding as normal. We get our water supply from groundwater wells. The water is safe.
The main concern we have is the sewer system. Please do not flush “flushable wipes” or other materials that do not break down in water. You can check by taking the material and placing it in a bowl of water. If it breaks down it can be flushed, if not then toss it in the trash. This will help our operators keep the system working.
We have updated our web page, with links provided to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) information. You should also sign up for Alerts. This is a best way to find out if there are any changes.
If you have any questions you may use the contact information, we will respond as soon as we can.
Take care, together we will get through this.