Rates & Policies

Our monthly water & sewer assessments are a flat rate charge.   In addition to the monthly water & sewer assessments, we collect the monthly homeowner's dues for both Eastgate I & II Homeowner's Associations.  The homeowner's associations are separate entities from Eastgate Village Water & Sewer. Listed below, you will find the current monthly rates for Eastgate Village I & II.

A monthly payment coupon booklet is provided annually.  The booklet contains a payment stub for each month of the year. Please submit each month's payment stub with your payment.

Payments are due on the 1st of the month.  A $15 late charge is assessed after the 10th of the month.

If you have any questions or need any addiitonal information, please contact us.

Eastgate I Monthly Assessment Charges - 2025

Total Monthly Assessment Charges for Eastgate Village I $98.50
Breakdown of Charges:
Water $43.00
Sewer $42.00
Eastgate I Homeowner's Dues $13.50

Eastgate II Monthly Assessment Charges - 2025

Total Monthly Assessment Charges for Eastgate Village II $99.00
Breakdown of Charges:
Water $43.00
Sewer $42.00
Eastgate II Homeowner's Dues $14.00