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Operator Update


We are now one week into the emergency watering restrictions. Once again, a big thank you to those residents that have adjusted their watering schedule and adhering to the restrictions to help make a difference!! Many have chosen not to and this is of great concern. Our water supply is struggling to keep up with the demand of these hot dry conditions. We are at a very pivotal point and ALL of us need to take this very seriously. PLEASE help keep our system going through these difficult times. The upcoming forecast is hot and dry. May have a couple days in the 80’s but then back to upper 90’s. We need rain and cooler temperatures desperately but that doesn’t look very promising at all. There are public water supply systems to our north that are struggling and have lost wells. I hope that we make the necessary changes to prevent that from happening.

Questions or concerns can be sent to us through our website, email or messenger. 

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Eastgate Village Water & Sewer Operators