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Message from the Operators

We are fast approaching temperatures of 100 degrees and our early summer rains have started to drop off. Weather forecast for the next few weeks is hot and dry. Unfortunately much needed water from well #8 is not online and in production, and won’t be for this season.   

Year after year we continue to see more lawn irrigation and its effects are increasingly apparent through our data collection.  Every year there is a cycle of high well production in the winter and low production in the summer.  This particular cycle already shows a decline in well production and an increase in demand. Our water demand is currently more than our wells can produce. We are at great risk of running out of water at current water usage. 

To be clear, we are not asking residents to limit their personal, domestic water usage.  Sprinkler systems and hoses connected to sprinklers use magnitudes more water than an individual’s average household water usage, which is 7,500 gallons per month.  As an example, one household watering once every other day for the allotted time can use as much as 150,000 gallons or more a month. 

In addition to regular, allotted water usage, we are seeing an increase in residents watering outside of scheduled watering times.  Not only does this compound our current demand issue, but it also negatively impacts domestic use.  The more water used, the lower the system pressure is for everyday things such as showering, cooking, and laundry.

As a consequence of the increasingly difficult to monitor water usage, we are reevaluating current watering restrictions and potentially tightening them.  In the meantime we'll be monitoring more frequently to ensure that residents are following the current restrictions. We urge residents to raise the deck on mowers. Taller grass holds the moisture lessening the need for water.

Lastly, as the operators of the system, we do everything we can to protect the finite resource that these wells produce. It was voted “Best tasting water” in the state at the recent Montana Rural Water conference.  We've seen a consistent decline in our water production over the past 8 years and we've seen demand either hold steady or increase over that time.  This letter is our expression of concern and it is our due diligence to share that with the residents of the system.

We will provide updates to keep residents informed.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Eastgate Village Water and Sewer Operators