Recent News

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Operator Update


We are now one week into the emergency watering restrictions. Once again, a big thank you to those residents that have adjusted their watering schedule and adhering to the restrictions...

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Operator Update - Emergency Watering Restrictions


The board of directors has decided it is necessary to reduce the watering times in hopes that will help reduce the burden on the wells. This is a decision that won’t be popular, but a...

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Operator Update


I would like to start this water usage update by saying THANK YOU! to all of the residents that have made the effort to reduce water consumption. It is greatly appreciated!...

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Message from the Operators

We are fast approaching temperatures of 100 degrees and our early summer rains have started to drop off. Weather forecast for the next few weeks is hot and dry. Unfortunately much needed water...

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Message from the Operators

Greetings Eastgate Water and Sewer Association customers,

We are certainly in the heat of summer, and based on our comparisons from mid-June to mid-July we are experiencing a 20% loss in well...

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Letter from the President - by Jean Riley

This has been an exciting year for Eastgate Village Water and Sewer Association.  We were able to secure two grants to help with the cost of the upgrades to the water system.  The grant total is...

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Letter from the President - by: Jean Riley

First, I want to thank you for all your cooperation with the watering restrictions.  With the drought and the hot temperatures there was more water usage than for a normal year.  Because of...

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Thank you!!

The Board of Directors, Water Operators and Managers would like to thank you for your cooperation and understanding during our emergency watering restrictions this Summer.

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Water & Sewer Concerns - by Brian Palkovich / System Operator

Water System Concerns

Eastgate Village Water and Sewer (EGVW&S) is in need of the assistance and cooperation of all of its residents. EGVW&S has seen a 20% reduction in well production due to...

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Annual Area-Wide Garage Sale - June 19, 2021

The annual Eastgate area garage sale is set for June 19, 2021.

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Letter from the President - by: Jean Riley

You may be wondering what the Water & Sewer Association is doing during these unusual times.  We are proceeding as normal. We get our water supply from groundwater wells.  The water is...

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

The health and safety of our customers is a top priority of the Eastgate Village Water & Sewer Associatoin board and management.  Below are a list of resources where you can find factual...

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Letter from the President - by: Jean Riley

I hope this letter finds you all well.  Please remember to comply with watering restrictions, with the hot summer months coming up we want to make sure there is enough water.


Many of you may...

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Area-Wide Garage Sale – June 15, 2019

The annual Eastgate area garage sale is set for June 15th.  Advertisements will be placed in local newspapers announcing the event.  Additionally, signs will be posted along Lake Helena Drive.

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Consumer Confidence Report / Drinking Water Quality Report

The Water Quality Report / Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) is now available at If you need a hard copy, please contact our office.  Hard copies will NOT be mailed...

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Letter from the Operator - by: Brian Palkovich

Greetings all,

I hope that 2019 is being kind to you and yours.

In 2015 “Eastgate Water and Sewer Association” (EGWS) started working on a large, multi-phase waste water treatment project that...

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Letter from the President - by: Jean Riley

I hope this letter finds you all well and that you had a good holiday season. The Board wants to announce some changes. We have updated our website ( The website is set up...

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