Letter from the President - by: Jean Riley
December 22, 2021
First, I want to thank you for all your cooperation with the watering restrictions. With the drought and the hot temperatures there was more water usage than for a normal year. Because of increased water usage and the drought, well production was down, and we have experienced significant drawdown in the wells. We were also having concerns with keeping the water tank at a level that is required to allow for firefighting if needed. Again, thank you.
The well issues resulted in the Board looking at a new well to replace wells that are not producing. Many of you may remember the Board has been working on upgrading the water distribution system. The pump house is almost 50 years old along with the pumping system. With this project the Board requested the Consulting firm to look at a new production well to assist in the water demand. When the Board heard about the potential funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The Board applied for funding. We received 2 grants from Lewis & Clark County in the total amount of $1 million. The water system upgrade is estimated at just over $1.5 million. The Board has been anticipating the upgrade, so we have been saving funds to allow for the project. With the grant and available funds, we can fully fund the project.
You may be wondering what is the project? The full project includes a new well with pumps and required equipment. The anticipated location for the new well is in the southeast area of the Eastgate II park. This location should provide a high producing well that will not be influenced by other wells. The supply piping from the new well will use the exiting easements to get to the water tank. We are looking at completely rebuilding the pumphouse. This will allow us to use the present system, while the new system is being constructed. The new system will include a generator to allow for water supply even if we lose power. We also have plans for a bypass system in case we need to take the pump house offline for repairs. This will allow us to maintain water supply for household use.
We are working now on getting all the paperwork completed for the grants. We a hoping to get the well drilled this winter and start construction next year if we can get all the design approvals.
If you have any questions about the project or how the system works, please submit a question and we will get back to you.
One other note, Cliff Neiffer resigned from the Board. We want to thank Cliff for his time on the Board. Cliff was a great asset to the Board.
Again, thank you for all your help and understanding during the watering restrictions.